Where Comedy Means Business

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What’s In It For Business?

Below is just one example of how comedy workshop experience has direct measurable business benefits

Alice Tribedi at Lloyds Banking Group  Management Centre

The Brief:

Lloyds Banking Group has a GEM (Group Ethnic Minority) Network which support positive action to encourage all employees to reach their potential and achieve business benefits. A 3-day Development workshop was organised in August 2005 to provide diverse learning opportunities. The location was the University of Lloyds Banking Group Management Centre in Solihull. Alice Tribedi was commissioned to design and deliver training over three days in the following areas: 

The Audience:

Each workshop was delivered to 20 Ethnic Minority employees of Lloyds TSB. They had chosen each workshop because of the benefits they and their line managers could see to their motivation, confidence and future career goals. 

The Workshop

NLP State Anchoring

The Client Feedback:

Lloyds were very impressed and went on to to commission Alice for future workshops and public speaking at Diversity events.

Here is an extract from an email sent to Alice by Lloyds with reference to the Voice & Presentation Confidence workshop she ran:

"There were many comments from people about how enthused they now felt, but testimony of the workshop success for us came in the form of one delegate who by her own admission came to the event as very shy and quiet individual, very critical of her own ability to express herself confidently..... leaving on the final day as a transformed person - looking people in the eye, standing proud, and projecting her voice confidently and going away with a smile on her face, having achieved some of what she had wanted for so long!"

Out of all 11 sessions run over 3 days, Alice's Voice & Presentation Confidence workshop scored an extremely high 4.6 out of 5 - Alice thereby achieved the second highest score of all sessions and workshops run.

The Business Improvisation workshop scored a highly creditable 4.2 out 5. 

Many of Alice's workshop delegates made a point of thanking her personally for the immense help she brought to them, and provided feedback such as:

"Alice ’s presentations were demanding while relaxing and allow and encouraged me to stretch outside of my comfort zone. Her practical advice and exercises apply to all aspects of your life."

"The voice training was very good and will be something which will be of huge benefit for me going forward."

"The Hints & Tips Speech from Alice was particularly interesting and useful."

"The handouts formed an important means of future reference and were clearly thought out to save us writing copious additional notes."

"The whole Business Improvisation session was interactive, injected a lot of humour while still delivering important techniques to the group"

"Totally inspiring, thoroughly energising and fantastic presentation"

"The sessions encouraged me to realise that taking a risk is a good thing. I have learnt not to worry about the outcome/failure which has always been my fear of taking risks"

Even more significantly, Alice's delegates were prepared to commit in writing to putting their new skills into action as part of their personal development plans

"Practicing my breathing properly will also help to combat my nerves in all situations."

"I will share what I have learnt with my teams and perhaps use elements of this learning as part of my induction program for new joiners."

"Alice – I will practice the breathing techniques you taught us. I do get very nervous when providing verbal reports to management and really want to overcome my nerves and be able to come across as being more confident. I also like the tips about taking a breath at punctuation –and knowing when to look up!"